Hackers are pro- Russian Ukrainians who have claimed responsibility for cyber attacks that brought " down " a number of NATO website , while in Ukraine and Russia as their growing tensions over the Russian intervention in the Crimean Peninsula . Hackers are part of " Cyber Berkut " and declare that they were that carries out attacks Saturday by main website temporarily out of NATO and the center of NATO 's cyber defense . The group also stated that they were attacking the website of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO .
NATO spokeswoman , Oana Lungescu , confirmed on Twitter that some pages NATO have been the target of some significant DDoS attacks ( Distributed Denial of Service - Prohibition of Distributed Service ) . It also did not leave without mentioning perhaps most important detail , the fact that it is not affected the integrity of systems and data have not leaked systems . IT employees NATO are working intensively to bring everything back to normal .
The attacks came just before the start of the referendum and widely criticized by the international diplomatic community Crimea question whether Russia should join or remain part of Ukraine . UN Security Council declared the referendum invalid , even though it was carried out without interruption. However , neither the UN did not stop the pro - Russian Ukrainian hackers to attack internationally . Internet in Ukraine has been censored at the time when anti-government protests began in the country a few months ago and still more with the Russian intervention . In the best opportunities , Ukrainian hackers , the two sides have been very active in international attacks . Although it is a contradiction , censorship of the Internet has brought the biggest event of attacks . The Russian government ordered companies providing Internet service to block access to a number of pages to write criticism of Russian President Putin .
NATO spokeswoman , Oana Lungescu , confirmed on Twitter that some pages NATO have been the target of some significant DDoS attacks ( Distributed Denial of Service - Prohibition of Distributed Service ) . It also did not leave without mentioning perhaps most important detail , the fact that it is not affected the integrity of systems and data have not leaked systems . IT employees NATO are working intensively to bring everything back to normal .
The attacks came just before the start of the referendum and widely criticized by the international diplomatic community Crimea question whether Russia should join or remain part of Ukraine . UN Security Council declared the referendum invalid , even though it was carried out without interruption. However , neither the UN did not stop the pro - Russian Ukrainian hackers to attack internationally . Internet in Ukraine has been censored at the time when anti-government protests began in the country a few months ago and still more with the Russian intervention . In the best opportunities , Ukrainian hackers , the two sides have been very active in international attacks . Although it is a contradiction , censorship of the Internet has brought the biggest event of attacks . The Russian government ordered companies providing Internet service to block access to a number of pages to write criticism of Russian President Putin .
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