iPhone 5s in ‘Space Gray?’ Not at Steve Jobs’ Apple

My title page contents Apple yesterday unveiled a new A6-powered, hard-coated polycarbonate iPhone 5c that comes in five colors: green, blue, yellow, pink, and white. Apple also unveiled the new iPhone 5s, an Apple A7-powered aluminum smartphone – the world’s first 64-bit smartphone! – that features a Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor and comes in five colors: Silver, Gold, or Space Gray.
Wait, what?! “Space Gray?” Gack!

No way in hell that would have ever made it past Steven P. Jobs. No way.
“Space Gray?” What is this, 1969?
Obviously, that iPhone 5s color choice should be called “Graphite.” I firmly believe it would have, had Steve still been here to edit out stupid suggestions before they escaped One Infinite Loop.
But, Tim let it go out as “Space Gray.” Yeesh.

This could be a tiny crack in the armor; a sign of not-so-good things to come. Following those atrocious, quickly-knifed Mac ads last year, it shows how Apple is still in desperate need of a final editor; a taste arbiter. I want to know, did Jony Ive really sign off on “Space Gray?” Or is this something Phil Schiller concocted all by himself?
Well, if this is the worst thing Cook does, it’ll be a very good thing, but in this case I just wish he’d ignored Jobs’ advice and asked himself this one time at least, “What would Steve do?” before he signed off on “Space Gray.” Because Steve would have torn whoever came to him with “Space Gray” an entirely new orifice.
When people ask me what’s the color my new iPhone 5s called, I’m going to tell them “Graphite.”

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